February 11, 2019

Say hello to our featured member for the month Kylene Bogden MS, RDN, LDN, CSSD, CLT! Kylene is the Content Director of FWDfuel Nutrition Consulting and the Cleveland Cavaliers Performance Dietitian.
What is your area of practice and how do you incorporate integrative and functional nutrition into your work?
I am a functionally trained dietitian who specializes in sports nutrition. By day, I am the dietitian for the Cleveland Cavaliers and by night I have a private practice and blog where I specialize in helping those who are chronically ill but wish to feel well enough to lead a more active lifestyle.
What are some of the results you have seen since integrating functional nutrition into your practice area?
Incorporating an integrative and functional approach into the world of sports is so much fun. Most people assume that athletes are least likely to benefit from this approach when in reality, they are often the ones who could benefit most.
Since integrating this approach, I've witnessed what I refer to as “mini miracles” on a frequent basis. For example, last week I had a college athlete who suffered from chronic full body pain and severe environmental allergies to the point where she could not function without taking medication. She would break out in hives if she forgot a dose. After making a few diet changes, she was almost entirely symptom free in 10 days and actually forgot to take her medication! Two years ago, I worked with a high school athlete who had been in a wheelchair sine junior high because she felt so poorly. After removing her food sensitivities and incorporating proper supplementation, she was active again and no longer needed a wheelchair. The best part? I have hundreds more stories like this!
Generally speaking, many of my athletes sleep and recover better. They have more energy during the day. Those who have chronic nagging issues such as gastrointestinal pain, headaches, congestion, etc. are typically less symptomatic. What does this mean in the long run? Less injury and improved performance!

Where have you completed most of your training in integrative and functional nutrition?
I was formerly a dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. Working with Dr. Mark Hyman and his talented team was an incredible learning experience. Additionally, I have completed the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy’s (IFNA) training program, which I have found to be very beneficial to my everyday practice.
What advice would you give anyone interested in learning more about integrative and functional nutrition?
First and foremost, keep on fighting the good fight! Sometimes you may feel that you are in the minority in your approach when speaking to your colleagues, and that is absolutely OK. More and more research is emerging. Continue to learn as much as you can and keep practicing. Implementing integrative and functional nutrition can completely change and even save lives.
Nothing replaces hands-on experience when it comes to integrative and functional nutrition. Every individual is so unique and that’s not something you can pull from even the greatest textbook or webinar!
Thank you for sharing about your experience, Kylene!